
Buy freshwater fish
Buy freshwater fish

buy freshwater fish

Walmart isn’t the first major corporation to adopt a policy that reduces the suffering of aquatic life sold as pets. Many of these animals, such as the yellow tang, continue to be sold at Petco although likely captured in violation of the court ruling. More than a half a million of Hawai‘i’s fragile reef animals have been taken from Hawai‘i’s reefs since a September 2017 Hawai‘i Supreme Court ruling invalidated aquarium collection permits, pending environmental review.

buy freshwater fish

Whether you want to set up a peaceful community tank or an aggressive cichlid tank, Sandys. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. Sandys carries a wide variety of freshwater fish. Worse, unlike Walmart, which sold primarily captive-bred, freshwater fish, Petco and its online store, LiveAquaria, sells marine life captured from the world’s threatened coral reefs, including Hawai‘i’s, which is far more harmful than Walmart’s practices ever were.” 25 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species. “Petco is plagued with the same issues that led Walmart to end fish sales, namely the inability to provide proper care to the animals in their stores and failure to provide customers with accurate information and instructions on proper care for their new fish pets. “We thank Walmart for ending the sale of pet fish, and urge Petco, the nation’s largest retailer of pet fish to do the same.” said Rene Umberger, executive director of Hawai‘i based For the Fishes. All Pterophyllum species originate from the Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin and various rivers in the Guiana Shield in. Angelfish are one of the most commonly kept freshwater aquarium fish, as well as the most commonly kept cichlid. Walmart was said to have been responsible for the sale of 30 percent of tropical, freshwater, fish sales in the U.S., and made the decision to stop sales due to pressure from consumers concerned about the welfare of the animals. Pterophyllum is a small genus of freshwater fish from the family Cichlidae known to most aquarists as Angelfish.

buy freshwater fish

Use these handy guides to help you choose. The national retailer announced its plans to discontinue sales in March of this year and, as of today, no longer advertises the sale of pet fish on its website or in-store. In order to maintain a happy, healthy, friendly freshwater fish community, its important to ensure compatibility. HONOLULU (October 25, 2019) – Today, For the Fishes joined national animal protection organizations in commending Walmart, Inc, for upholding its commitment to ending the sale of live fish at its more than 1700 stores nationwide.

Buy freshwater fish